Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Even More Milestones

Things have been a little busy lately so once again I have fallen down on my blogging duties. I've been back at work for almost a month now and it's been great to get back in the swing of things. I'm starting back to full days this week which is exciting, even if it's only one day since Thursday is Thanksgiving. I was also released last week from PT!!! My physical therapist, Leslie, was surprised with how quickly I progressed over the course of our work. I'm still having to work on exercises at home, but overall I'm doing a lot better. Being able to move my neck around more is very helpful when driving, especially with the winter weather we have been having. I'm definitely cautious right now with driving and in general walking around on the ice we've had over the past few days. I don't want to compromise any work I have done so far by having a fall damage my back or neck right now.

Yesterday was also a milestone, having my first follow up MRI after surgery. The doctor ordered a MRI of both my cervical and thoracic spine, to make sure no tumors are appearing anywhere else and that Oscar has not tried to show back up. Dr. Smith has been pretty optimistic that we will not see any regrowth and ependymomas are usually not the type to show up somewhere else in the spine.

After meeting with Dr. Smith, he gave me the all clear for my MRI; no tumors, no regrowth and no other problems showing up post surgery!!!! Aside from mixed-martial arts, race car driving, or any other activities that violently move my head/neck I am good to go! He was very pleased with the strength, sensation, and motor tests that they conducted. I will go back again in 6 months and again at a year for follow-up MRI's to ensure there is no regrowth. They will also be monitoring my neck to make sure I'm not having any problems with stability in my neck after the laminectomy. It's possible I could need to have my C5-T2 vertebrae fused together, but he is hopefully that it is a small possibility.

It's still crazy to think it has been nearly 2 months since my surgery. Everything happened so fast and that has continued with my recovery. Still can't do a few things and I have a couple little quirks with numbness/strength issues, but they continue to get better. I may always have some quirks from the surgery and of course my scar, but that can just lead to a crazy story about that time I had spinal cord surgery! :-)
I'll keep updating on here as more milestones happen and to check in with how things are going. I've still got some recovery to go, but I'm well on the way there.

Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!

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