Saturday, October 12, 2013

Oscar has kicked the bucket!

Well Oscar left the building a few of days ago and I'm a little more coherent for a blog post to you guys.

First and foremost, surgery was a complete success! Surgery took about 4 and a half hours and according to Dr. Smith, my neurosurgeon, Oscar just popped on out (guess he was tired of me). I may be a little smarter now too, because apparently my cerebral function went up during surgery! :-D Also among all the praises, the tumor was completely benign!

After getting my much appreciated pain meds after surgery I provided some entertainment for family. I had a few more awake moments where a few Deidra Approved photos taken.

Did have a bit of a rough night in ICU not getting much sleep and in some pain. But since only one other pain episode after my first time getting up and around, the spinal headache is no joke, things have been amazing. Moved to a regular room Thursday afternooon and immediately did evals with Physical and Occupational Therapies. Walked almost the full hallway and back for PT, plus all good arm and leg exercises. Lisa, my occupational therapist, said I could have taught a class for her based on my eval. Not trying to be boastful, just gotta praise God for all the blessings that he has shown me during this whole situation!! Thanks to Jodie and Brian for their visits!

After some great rest, I spent most of Friday out of bed, either in my big chair or up and walking around. Nearly kicked the Kara, one of physical therapists, in the head during leg exercises :-D. Did the whole hallway for PT and got my home moves down for when I get to leave. I've been walking around the halls with only slight supervision since then as well. I keep offering to race, but no takers so far. 

Dr. Smith and his DNP Chad have both stopped by and think I may get to go home on Sunday!! Praises!! I've been doing really well for such a big surgery and barring any last minute problems, which they havent seen, I should be good to go. I will still need some help for a bit, not being able to move your head is a bit annoying. Right now I have to keep my back straight to, avoid bending, lifting, hunching, and not jar it around while everything heals. Aside from that I can move how ever much I would like. So basically just think of me as Batman (Michael Keaton version) when he had no moveable neck suit. :-D

Had some more wonderful visitors yesterday, including awesome Denver Driskill and his parents, Matt & Genene! Nothing like a big fluffy guy like Denver to get you feeling happy! Thanks also to Debbie M. and Jeff & Rachel for coming by!!

Appreciate all the prayers, love, support, flowers, and goodies everyone has been sending!! Words can never express how thankful I am to everyone! Thanks to Lonnie Hamil for coming by and praying before and after surgery with me, mom and dad!

The timing for all of this was very fast, going from just some pain to being told I need surgery or could be a quadriplegic in 2 months is definitely not easy. I still have some tingling and numbness on my left side, which the doctor predicted, but I'm only 3 days post op, so that can still dissipate with time. Even if I keep some of this, it's the much better alternative to lacking arm or leg use or problems just getting around. So Praise to God for His many blessings! I'll keep you guys posted about my coming days and when I'll be back home.

Suns Up, Guns Up!

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