Monday, October 21, 2013

The Benefits of Rest

Sorry for the delay in posting everyone. The past week escaped me between some bad days and then recouping. I learned an important lesson about life after major surgery, but unfortunately I had to learn it the hard way.

In the hospital I was cruising along just fine. Walking up and down the halls, sitting up in my chair during most of the day, passing expectations of my surgeon and PT/OT therapists, and chatting it up with my family and visitors. I was able to get released from the hospital just 4 days after surgery, a whole day sooner than my doctor had predicted. It was originally thought I would be there 5-10 days with the possibility of having to go to a rehab facility for a few days after that. I was doing great and feeling pretty great too.

Then I got home on Sunday and continued with walking around and eating some tasty non-hospital food! But unfortunately, the one important thing I didn't do much of was rest. Because I didn't rest during the day, and was having trouble getting back into a regular sleep schedule at night, I ended up having a few really bad days where I was exhausted and having more issues with movement and numbness on my left and right side. It definitely wasn't a fun time and I was stressing myself out with the high expectations I had set for myself after my time in the hospital.

After some rest and advice/feedback from my family and surgeon, who I went to check-in with, I came to realize that I was just a week past a seriously major surgery. I had my spinal cord cut into so the surgeons could remove a tumor that had grown. Both the tumor or the surgery could have left me as a quadrapeligic or with some very serious motor function loss. Instead I am able to walk and do most everything as normal, aside from bend, twist or lift heavy items for a short period of time. I have a few issues with my left side and a slight burning sensation on the side of my right hand. These have started getting better and can continue getting better for up to 6 months as my spinal cord and nerves heal up. I may have a few little quirks left, but I have been blessed to not have that many issues so far. So rule #1 of life after major surgery, REST!!! (seriously, rest up!)

I'm sorry for the radio silence during this time, I still can't believe it's getting close to 2 weeks post-surgery. The past week went by before I knew what happened and I have been bad about reaching out and letting people know how I am doing.

I'm doing better each day as I get more rest. I get my sutures out tomorrow (So Happy, they are itching like crazy!) and I start physical therapy later this week to work on my motor skills and the ability to move my back and neck better (I won't be Michael Keaton anymore!!!). I'll be working up to being able to drive again, which will be exciting for me. I'm a get up and go type of person, so having to sit around more is definitely a bit of a drag. However I am getting time to work on my drumming skills :-); helps me to see how my left hand is progressing and work on building up my coordination. I'll also work on updating this blog more so you guys can keep up with my progress. I'll do my best not to go quiet again for so long.

See ya soon!

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